Kirovsk Plant for Products from Metal Powder, Open Joint Stock Company
- Address:Stepnaya str. 1, c. Kirovsk, Lugansk reg., 93800, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(06446) 4-41-71, 4-42-45
Sector of activity:
Production of wide assortment of construction parts using method of powder metallurgy (locknuts, sleeve pipes, nuts, plates for furniture, plates for vices, cutting tools); ferrite goods (mandrels for flexing systems in TV production, ferrite transformers for pipe production plants); goods based on copper ( contacts MKP BP-026, BP-034, sleeve pipes, sliding bearings); goods with graphite basis: graphite inset for trolley buses, pactograf of graphite for automobile industry the production is started of: lining for automobile “KAMAZ” guide bush for valve 2141, guide for rod of shock absorber, support for rack of steering mechanism and parts of friction disks: lining for clutch disk, break pads; it is started production of the following goods: flat cutters PKS 6x2000, inertial screens GIL42, set of details for gas burners, weights of 5-6 class, metal sets for diffuser dynamic loudspeakers.
Production of wide assortment of construction parts using method of powder metallurgy (locknuts, sleeve pipes, nuts, plates for furniture, plates for vices, cutting tools); ferrite goods (mandrels for flexing systems in TV production, ferrite transformers for pipe production plants); goods based on copper ( contacts MKP BP-026, BP-034, sleeve pipes, sliding bearings); goods with graphite basis: graphite inset for trolley buses, pactograf of graphite for automobile industry the production is started of: lining for automobile “KAMAZ” guide bush for valve 2141, guide for rod of shock absorber, support for rack of steering mechanism and parts of friction disks: lining for clutch disk, break pads; it is started production of the following goods: flat cutters PKS 6x2000, inertial screens GIL42, set of details for gas burners, weights of 5-6 class, metal sets for diffuser dynamic loudspeakers.
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