Pedagogical Academy, Social and Pedagogical Institute
- Address:2-а, Bashkirska str., c. Kirovograd, 25006, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(0522) 32-29-57, 35-13-21
Rector - Volodymyr Vasylenko
Department of Psychology and Pedagogics
- primary education with profound psychology study (full-time and correspondence education)
- primary education with with profound English study (full-time education);
Department of Linguistics:
- English Language and Foreign Literature (full-time education);
Historical Department:
- History (full-time and correspondence education);
- History with profound English study (full-time education)
Specialities are accredited by the decision of State Accreditation Board (registered #25 dated February 2, 2000)
Certificate HI-III #125447, #125448, III level;
(registered #27 dated June 20, 2000)
Certificate HI-III #125585
Department of Psychology and Pedagogics
- primary education with profound psychology study (full-time and correspondence education)
- primary education with with profound English study (full-time education);
Department of Linguistics:
- English Language and Foreign Literature (full-time education);
Historical Department:
- History (full-time and correspondence education);
- History with profound English study (full-time education)
Specialities are accredited by the decision of State Accreditation Board (registered #25 dated February 2, 2000)
Certificate HI-III #125447, #125448, III level;
(registered #27 dated June 20, 2000)
Certificate HI-III #125585
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