Myroniv Institute of Wheat named after V.M.Remesla
- Address:Tsentralna Str, vil. Centralne, Myronivka distr., Kyiv reg., 08853, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(04574) 7-41-35
- Web-site:
Director - A. Demidov
Main directions of activity:
- development of theoretical bases of selection, including biotechnology methods, selection on immunity and research of physiology, biochemical and genetic bases of productivity, frost-resistance, drought-resistance, rise of grain quality, creation of new highly productive breeds of cereals headed, development of resource saving, ecologically friendly technologies of growing of new breeds of cereals headed; primary, elite seed-growing and production of original seeds of new breeds of these crops.
Main directions of activity:
- development of theoretical bases of selection, including biotechnology methods, selection on immunity and research of physiology, biochemical and genetic bases of productivity, frost-resistance, drought-resistance, rise of grain quality, creation of new highly productive breeds of cereals headed, development of resource saving, ecologically friendly technologies of growing of new breeds of cereals headed; primary, elite seed-growing and production of original seeds of new breeds of these crops.
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