Ukrainian Travel Agency
- Address:President-Hotel, 12, Gospitalna str., c. Kyiv, 01123, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(044) 237-16-61, 237-16-62, 237-16-63, 237-16-64, 237-16-65, 237-16-71
Ukrainian Travel Agency - is a tour operator for Cyprus; the general representative of "Alfa Travel" travel agency (Cyprus) in Ukraine.
Sphere of business:
- receipt on Cyprus, holding business-seminars and conferences, children and youth tourism, charter flights;
- organisation of tours in Thailand, India, UAE, Egypt, Libanon, Greece, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland and etc.;
- winter rest in mountain-ski resorts in Ukraine and abroad;
- receipt of foreigners in Kiev and Ukraine, servicing conferences seminars;
- excursions in Kiev and Ukraine;
- hunt and fishing for foreigners;
- reservation and sales of airplane tickets
Sphere of business:
- receipt on Cyprus, holding business-seminars and conferences, children and youth tourism, charter flights;
- organisation of tours in Thailand, India, UAE, Egypt, Libanon, Greece, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland and etc.;
- winter rest in mountain-ski resorts in Ukraine and abroad;
- receipt of foreigners in Kiev and Ukraine, servicing conferences seminars;
- excursions in Kiev and Ukraine;
- hunt and fishing for foreigners;
- reservation and sales of airplane tickets
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CRM Reviews
Компания "АМАЛКЕР" на рынке 5 лет. За это время мы многого достигли, став одним из самых профессиональных коммуникативных агентств города.
Изменялись мы, изменялось время, изменялись люди, для которых мы работаем. Назрела необходимость в качественно новом подходе к работе с клиентами. Именн...
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