Kharkiv Regional Organisation of Employers
- Address:5, Chygyrina str., c. Kharkiv, 61050, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(057) 714-09-16, 757-87-54
Chairman - Leonid I. Rubanenko
Kharkiv regional organisation of employers is unprofitable organization. It joins employers to represent and protect their rights and interests, and coordinate their activity in the system of social partnership. This organisation was created in the beginning of 2002 and since that time it has earned a great reputation in the system of social partnership and between employers. Now Kharkiv regional organization of employers represents more than 100 companies that employ about 400 000 of workers.
The main activities include:
- Dealing with social partners (state administration, local government, trade unions);
- Dealing with social insurance and pension funds
- Public expertise of legislation
- Informational and consulting services for employers, trainings and seminars on social and labour relationship.
Kharkiv regional organisation of employers is unprofitable organization. It joins employers to represent and protect their rights and interests, and coordinate their activity in the system of social partnership. This organisation was created in the beginning of 2002 and since that time it has earned a great reputation in the system of social partnership and between employers. Now Kharkiv regional organization of employers represents more than 100 companies that employ about 400 000 of workers.
The main activities include:
- Dealing with social partners (state administration, local government, trade unions);
- Dealing with social insurance and pension funds
- Public expertise of legislation
- Informational and consulting services for employers, trainings and seminars on social and labour relationship.
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