Gas Traders of Ukraine Association
- Address:9, Bazhova Str., c. Kyiv, 02100, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(044) 284-04-24, 573-51-60
President - Andrew Myzovets
Main objectives
Striving for the transparent and fair access to the market related with extraction, supply and transportation of natural gas in Ukraine.
Extraction of gas and gas condensate by prospecting and industrial exploitation of gas deposits using environmentally safe technologies Ideology The Association members stand for demonopolization of the gas market in Ukraine and its reforming based on free and fair competition.
Main objectives
Striving for the transparent and fair access to the market related with extraction, supply and transportation of natural gas in Ukraine.
Extraction of gas and gas condensate by prospecting and industrial exploitation of gas deposits using environmentally safe technologies Ideology The Association members stand for demonopolization of the gas market in Ukraine and its reforming based on free and fair competition.
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Компания "АМАЛКЕР" на рынке 5 лет. За это время мы многого достигли, став одним из самых профессиональных коммуникативных агентств города.
Изменялись мы, изменялось время, изменялись люди, для которых мы работаем. Назрела необходимость в качественно новом подходе к работе с клиентами. Именн...
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