Professional Technical School # 27
- Address:7, Zagorodnyogo str., c. Volodarka, Kyiv reg., 09300, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(04569) 5-07-24
Director - Viktor M. Palamarchuk
Date of the basis - 1963. For this period it is prepared more than 13 thousand qualified workers.
Preparation is carried out on specialities:
- the tractor driver - machinist of an agricultural production, the mechanic-repairman, the driver of the car (heavy lorries with the big load-carrying capacity and lorries a category "C")
- the electrical engineer of rural electrification of communication, the driver of the car 3, 2, 1 class (heavy lorries with the big load-carrying capacity and lorries a category "C")
- the bookkeeper of an agricultural production
- the driver of the car 3, 2, 1 class (heavy lorries with the big load-carrying capacity and lorries a category "C")
- the electrogas welder
- the beekeepe, the driver of the car 3, 2, 1 class (cars except for cargo), a taxi and motor vans
- the driver of the car 3, 2, 1 class (heavy lorries with the big load-carrying capacity and lorries a category "C")
- The form of training: day time
Date of the basis - 1963. For this period it is prepared more than 13 thousand qualified workers.
Preparation is carried out on specialities:
- the tractor driver - machinist of an agricultural production, the mechanic-repairman, the driver of the car (heavy lorries with the big load-carrying capacity and lorries a category "C")
- the electrical engineer of rural electrification of communication, the driver of the car 3, 2, 1 class (heavy lorries with the big load-carrying capacity and lorries a category "C")
- the bookkeeper of an agricultural production
- the driver of the car 3, 2, 1 class (heavy lorries with the big load-carrying capacity and lorries a category "C")
- the electrogas welder
- the beekeepe, the driver of the car 3, 2, 1 class (cars except for cargo), a taxi and motor vans
- the driver of the car 3, 2, 1 class (heavy lorries with the big load-carrying capacity and lorries a category "C")
- The form of training: day time
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Компания "АМАЛКЕР" на рынке 5 лет. За это время мы многого достигли, став одним из самых профессиональных коммуникативных агентств города.
Изменялись мы, изменялось время, изменялись люди, для которых мы работаем. Назрела необходимость в качественно новом подходе к работе с клиентами. Именн...
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