Marble Salon, Magazine of Marble Salon, Ltd.
- Address:4, Inzhenerna Str., c. Kyiv, 01013, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(044) 451-45-80
Editor-in-chief - Natalia I. Tkachuk
Main directions of activity:
- mass media promotes market development of quarrying and stone working; forming of culture of consumption and correct use of decorative stone; government regulation of stone working market.
Proposals to cooperation:
- effective advertising in address edition; information support; forming of image portrait of the company; advancement of the company at the international market.
Main directions of activity:
- mass media promotes market development of quarrying and stone working; forming of culture of consumption and correct use of decorative stone; government regulation of stone working market.
Proposals to cooperation:
- effective advertising in address edition; information support; forming of image portrait of the company; advancement of the company at the international market.
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CRM Reviews
Компания "Красивая Земля"
Компания "Красивая Земля" занимается продажей земельных активов в Московской и Калужской области. Нашими клиентами являются крупнейшие компании со всего мира. Наши предложения подходят для тех людей и компаний, которые готовы инвестировать в свое будущее, в будущее нашей Земли и страны. Продажи в...
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