Elektroiugmontazh - 3 Company
- Address:77, 20 rokiv Perwemogy str., c. Dnipropetrovsk, 49127, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(056) 728-48-29, 728-48-39
Director - Oleg V/ Geyko
The enterprise fulfils building and mounting works on energy objects of electric power stations, secondary and high-tension distributive substations 35-750kV, RP, TP, KTP 6-10kV, PL 0,4-150 kV, KLEP 0,4 -10kv and on other Ukrainian enterprises of different branches.
Elektroiugmontazh - 3, OJSC performs works:
1 Mounting, dismantling and repairing of high-tension and secondary equipment: aerials, oily, vacuum and gas-insulated switchs, voltage suppressors, current transformers and voltages and other voltage up to 750kV.
2 Inspections, repairing and rigging power transformers voltage up to 750kV, drying, degassing of transformer oil.
3 Building works on reconstruction and major repairs of active energy objects - quickly mounting erections, portals, precast reinforced concrete foundations for high voltage equipments, ducts, props USO.
4 Building of PL 6-150kv; transference VL-35kV
The enterprise fulfils building and mounting works on energy objects of electric power stations, secondary and high-tension distributive substations 35-750kV, RP, TP, KTP 6-10kV, PL 0,4-150 kV, KLEP 0,4 -10kv and on other Ukrainian enterprises of different branches.
Elektroiugmontazh - 3, OJSC performs works:
1 Mounting, dismantling and repairing of high-tension and secondary equipment: aerials, oily, vacuum and gas-insulated switchs, voltage suppressors, current transformers and voltages and other voltage up to 750kV.
2 Inspections, repairing and rigging power transformers voltage up to 750kV, drying, degassing of transformer oil.
3 Building works on reconstruction and major repairs of active energy objects - quickly mounting erections, portals, precast reinforced concrete foundations for high voltage equipments, ducts, props USO.
4 Building of PL 6-150kv; transference VL-35kV
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