Robotmetallurginvest Ltd, Company
- Address:2а, Osinnya str., c. Dnipropetrovsk, 49051, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(0562) 27-27-67, 35-01-42, 36-78-65
President - A.R. Bushel
Since 1991 the company "Robotmetallurginvest" has been manufacturing the rehabilitation equipment for rehabilitation of the disabled and ill people: for bed-patients; for children with cerebral spastic infantile paralysis; walking aids; sani-tary medical products; fitness equipment etc.
- Manufacture of 56 different names of production;
- Collaboration with companies from Poland, Finland, Turkey, the USA, Russia and Belarus
- Some of the company's projects are unique and protected by patents
- Since 2000 the company's products have been exported to USA
- About 500,000 units of production are delivered to all regions of Ukraine
Since 1991 the company "Robotmetallurginvest" has been manufacturing the rehabilitation equipment for rehabilitation of the disabled and ill people: for bed-patients; for children with cerebral spastic infantile paralysis; walking aids; sani-tary medical products; fitness equipment etc.
- Manufacture of 56 different names of production;
- Collaboration with companies from Poland, Finland, Turkey, the USA, Russia and Belarus
- Some of the company's projects are unique and protected by patents
- Since 2000 the company's products have been exported to USA
- About 500,000 units of production are delivered to all regions of Ukraine
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