Closed Joint-Stock Company "Ukrainian Scientific-Research and Project-Estimate Institute of Enterprises of Meat and Dairy Industry"
- Address:15, Vozzyednannya Ave., c. Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(044) 550-20-92, 550-60-31, 550-62-59
Chairman of the Board - Sergiy A. Vasin
Main directions of activity:
- planning of industrial objects of the agroindustrial complex, public utilities objects, objects of trade and public catering and others;
- technical inspection and passport system of objects of different type;
- engineering-geological surveying.
Main directions of activity:
- planning of industrial objects of the agroindustrial complex, public utilities objects, objects of trade and public catering and others;
- technical inspection and passport system of objects of different type;
- engineering-geological surveying.
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CRM Reviews
ООО "Вестком"
До момента внедрения CRM Системы Seles Expert 2 в работу отдела продаж компании Вестком, лично в ней уже работал, но использовал ее на уровне ведения личных контактов с клиентами.
Не буду говорить про то зачем нужна CRM система, скажу только что Sal...
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