VDS EximTrade company
- Address:2a, Trublaini str., c. Kyiv, 01000, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(044) 360-83-18, 501-58-61
- Web-site:
Director - Vovchenko Vitaly M.
The company «VDS EximTrade» for today is the leader in the field of service rendering "foreign trade activities Outsourcing". The qualified specialists of our company in as much as possible fast terms will find for you the optimal variants for advancement of your goods in foreign markets of Ukraine.
In more details about rendering of service Outsourcing of foreign trade activities you can find Export of goods or Import of the goods in corresponding sections of our site.
The company «VDS EximTrade» for today is the leader in the field of service rendering "foreign trade activities Outsourcing". The qualified specialists of our company in as much as possible fast terms will find for you the optimal variants for advancement of your goods in foreign markets of Ukraine.
In more details about rendering of service Outsourcing of foreign trade activities you can find Export of goods or Import of the goods in corresponding sections of our site.
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Наша компания занимается оптовой и розничной торговлей промышленным оборудованием. По мере увеличения количества клиентов у нас появилась необходимость в более качественном программном продукте, отражающим требования отдела продаж современной компании, такие как систематизация информации, возможн...
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