General Information and Computing Centre of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine
- Address:27 Kominterna str., c. Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(044) 249-12-27
General Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Energetics of Ukraine carries out management in the field of information technologies on the enterprises of the sector; works out the technical requirements concerning implementation of information technologies in the sector; prepares regulatory documents and reports for the Ministry of Energy.
General Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine operates in the following areas:
- development of SCADA-system software;
- project development in management automation;
- development and production of automated systems of energy consumption control and management;
- development of Internet-based corporate networks;
- graphical database of Ukrainian power system for condition’s analysis of distribution and transmission lines.;
- adaptation of SAP R/3 system for Energomarket;
- planning of operating conditions and management of distributive electrical network 6-35 kV under OS WINDOWS 95(98) for power enterprises.
General Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine operates in the following areas:
- development of SCADA-system software;
- project development in management automation;
- development and production of automated systems of energy consumption control and management;
- development of Internet-based corporate networks;
- graphical database of Ukrainian power system for condition’s analysis of distribution and transmission lines.;
- adaptation of SAP R/3 system for Energomarket;
- planning of operating conditions and management of distributive electrical network 6-35 kV under OS WINDOWS 95(98) for power enterprises.
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