Gefestar, Firm, Limited Liability Company
- Address:P.O.Box 9361, c. Kharkiv, 61003, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(050) 556-27-47, (057) 370-52-13, 759-90-15
Director - Ihor Korniyevsky
Since 1993 "Gefestar" company has been producing tile slabs for paving sidewalks and finishing fronts of buildings:
- "Clover" tile slabs for paving sidewalks;
- "Pavement Bricks" tile slabs for paving sidewalks
- "Torn Stone" tile slabs for fronts of buildings
- water flows;
- land improvement;
- asphalting roads, play grounds, access roads and trestles;
- design and installation of ventilation equipment;
- repair and construction works
Tile slabs are produced using the technology of vibrocasting and the materials like: cement, sand, road metal, softening agents, dyes that make it possible to get the required color.
The company also provides paving services
Since 1993 "Gefestar" company has been producing tile slabs for paving sidewalks and finishing fronts of buildings:
- "Clover" tile slabs for paving sidewalks;
- "Pavement Bricks" tile slabs for paving sidewalks
- "Torn Stone" tile slabs for fronts of buildings
- water flows;
- land improvement;
- asphalting roads, play grounds, access roads and trestles;
- design and installation of ventilation equipment;
- repair and construction works
Tile slabs are produced using the technology of vibrocasting and the materials like: cement, sand, road metal, softening agents, dyes that make it possible to get the required color.
The company also provides paving services
Company information
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CRM Reviews
ООО "Упат Монтажные Системы Северо-Запад"
Компания ООО "Упат Монтажные Системы Северо-Запад" является одним из крупнейших производителей сертифицированных монтажных систем высшего уровня надёжности, входящих в состав Fischerwerke GmbH. Компания производит широкий ассортимент профессиональной крепёжной техники: химические и механические а...
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