Scientific-Research and Development Institute of Mechanical Engineering for World Ocean Solid Mineral Resources Mining
- Address:32 Naberezhna Peremohy, c. Dnipropetrovsk, 49094, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(0562) 47-35-31, 47-68-60, 47-68-65
Director - Albert M. Ziborov
Main products/services:
- research and design operations
- design and production of prototypes
The Scientific and engineering potential of the Institute is strengthened by the JSC "Azov" capacities. The Institute has a modern engineering-and-lab building on the Dniper river bank, in the Dnipropetrivsk center (13,800 m2)
Year of establishment: 1983
Main products/services:
- research and design operations
- design and production of prototypes
The Scientific and engineering potential of the Institute is strengthened by the JSC "Azov" capacities. The Institute has a modern engineering-and-lab building on the Dniper river bank, in the Dnipropetrivsk center (13,800 m2)
Year of establishment: 1983
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Компания "АМАЛКЕР" на рынке 5 лет. За это время мы многого достигли, став одним из самых профессиональных коммуникативных агентств города.
Изменялись мы, изменялось время, изменялись люди, для которых мы работаем. Назрела необходимость в качественно новом подходе к работе с клиентами. Именн...
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