LuhanskMlyn, Public Joint-Stock Company

  • Address:
    111, Lutuhinska str., c. Lugansk, 91020, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(0642) 34-65-39, 55-59-81, 55-68-82
  • Web-site:   
Chairperson of the Board - Zinayida H. Naden

"LuhanskMlyn", Public Joint-Stock Company is an enterprise with advanced equipment and advanced production engineering, which features:
- mill for production of 3 sorts of wheat flour, semolina, macaroni groats with production capacities of 500 tons per 24 hours;
- groats production workshop (capacity of 100 tons per 24 hours) to produce wheat, fine-ground barley, pearl barley, corn, pea, oatmeal, millet, buckwheat
groats, rye and corn flour.
- mixed fodder plant (capacity of 500 tons per 24 hours) to produce bran of wheat, and granulated, loose fodder for cattle, swines, poltry, dogs and fish.

"LuhanskMlyn" OJSC also offers products under "Dobrodia" trade mark - oat meal and muesli that are nutritious and delicious products cooked during several minutes and preserving all vitamines contained in the product.

Shipment is carried out with railway and motor transport.

The company has applied ISO 9001-2000.

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