• Address:
    58 Novopyrogivska Street, office 701, c. Kyiv, 03045, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(044) 362-44-57, 362-44-61, (050) 449-78-50
  • Web-site:   
MYTNA SPRAVA TM, LLC - client-oriented, professional and highly experienced team will provide You with expert customs service and all transactions with Customs of Ukraine.

To outperform Clients Customs Clearings requirements:
Account Manager’s Automated Workplace, 24/7/31 Assistance.
The Customs Broker’s Mobile Office. Electronic declaring.
On behave of Clients we are checking the changes in Customs regulations and preparing innovative solutions while implementing of these changes:
The possibility of making decision by Customs authority about release of goods by Preliminary Declaration without providing of goods to customs after crossing the border;
Cancelation of making customs clearance at customs by place of registration;
Creating Institute of Authorized Economic Operators.